Moodle Workplace 3.11 — What’s new?

Moodle Workplace 3.11

Moodle Workplace 3.11 has launched and it is a game-changer.

Let’s explore a number of the exciting new features!

Built on solid foundations

The new Moodle Workplace release reminds me of a phone software update. You have the same hardware running and with every software update new and exciting things are released. It’s like having a brand new phone each time without the hassle of changing!

Moodle Workplace is built on the solid framework of Moodle, meaning that the functionality released for Moodle LMS automatically gets added to Moodle Workplace as well. Double Win!

There’s so much packed into these releases that we’ll just cover some of the key features surrounding the UI, dashboards, and authentication.

New UI improvements

The UI has had a little makeover across a number of areas including reporting, activity completion, organisation structure and My Teams. These changes ease the use of these areas for the user and we really like the way “My Teams” now fits nicely on the side bar.

The power of multi-tenancy

One of the most talked about enhancements in Moodle Workplace 3.11 has to be the ability to create per-tenant dashboards. This really does create a nice way to personalise each tenant with their own blocks and layout. A great use of this is for creating banners per tenant or custom blocks that may only be required for a specific tenant. No more workarounds needed!

Another great multi-tenancy feature in Moodle Workplace 3.11 is the ability to support per-tenant configuration of SAML2 authentication. Again, another feature greatly needed to allow flexibility for tenants to using SSO making it easier and quicker to access the LMS.

Individual tenants can enable or disable the SAML2 plugin and also override fields locking.

Along with this you can now have custom profile fields per tenant allowing greater flexibility for each tenant to have their own profile data. Even better if you are using sign up forms. You can ask for any data you want without having to enable it for all tenants.

Moodle Workplace 3.11 incorporates the Brickfield Accessibility Starter Toolkit to help organisations create accessible course content. This is also available in Moodle Workplace. The Accessibility Starter Toolkit allows educators and administrators to assess the accessibility of their course content and to identify existing common accessibility issues.

Roll on Moodle 4.0 to see what changes are made to the UI to make Moodle Workplace even better. You can read up on all the Moodle Workplace features on their website:

Accipio is a Premium Moodle Partner offering high quality service and support of Moodle, Moodle Workplace and Totara systems including the development of a number of enhancement plugins (Accipio One) to extend the functionality even further.

Upskill your entire organisation with Moodle Workplace

For over a decade, Accipio has been supporting some of the world’s biggest brands by delivering award-winning Moodle learning platforms.

We provide an end-to-end managed service for Moodle LMS and free migration and upgrade from older versions. From hosting and unlimited rapid support to custom development and theming. We work with our clients to co-develop world-class sites.

We are also one of four Moodle Premium Certified Services Partners in the UK that offer Moodle Workplace. You can discover the key differences between Moodle LMS and Moodle Workplace here.

Interested in finding out how your organisation can benefit too?

To find out more, contact us today.

By Benn Cass, Senior Solutions Architect at ACCIPIO