
We are thrilled to announce that we will be back to exhibit alongside our partners >BusinessBalls at our third Learning Technologies next month, taking place at ExCel London on the 3rd and 4th of May. Learning Technologies is the principal European showcase of organisational learning...

Just as coaches are ‘there’ for their learners, supporting them, encouraging them and being a sounding board for what is happening in their work lives, so coaches also need to have support mechanisms and forums. Like coaching, definitions around coaching supervision vary. Bachkirova, Stevens and Willis...

Highly developed listening skills sit alongside questioning skills as a core requirement of effective workplace coaches. Listening is something we all feel we do well but like any form of skill it needs to be practiced and developed to get the best from it. A...

As well as questioning and listening skills, there are approaches that can help both coach and learner to the situation, confidence and ability to move forward. Scaling – this applies a degree of measurement to the coaching process. It can be used in a few ways....

Below are some simple questions that can be used within the TGROW model. These are just a few, there are hundreds more you can use, find or develop. Coaches will often keep note of questions they which either have a big impact on the learner,...

“Coaching is a process, trust the process…”   This simple but true quote is attributed to Eric Parsloe. At the heart of any coach’s approach is usually some form of coaching model. The model enables the coach to explore the topic or issue with the learner in...

A good coach and mentor will stand out by the questions they ask, the listen they demonstrate and the learning they bring out in the learner. Being able to ask purposeful, impactful, challenging yet sensitive questions is a learnt skill and very powerful. Many coaches...

Whether you are aware of it or not many if not most of your behaviours, actions, words and decisions are influenced or led by your implicit or explicit set of values and beliefs.   Being aware of what your specific values and beliefs are can help you...

Like any profession, coaching and mentoring is not exempt from the need to maintain paperwork and notes, thankfully there is little and there is learning for all in that which is created and used – there is a purpose to it!   Most paperwork associated with coaching...

Whenever you are about to coach or mentor it is important to prepare yourself for the session ahead, just as you would encourage the learner to do the same. Prepping rooms, collating notes booking the meeting are a given, but it is the more psychological part...